Spring’s Around The Corner, I Think

On March 5, 2009, in Miscellaneous, by ralph


Today it got up to 63°. That’s a major heat wave for Michigan in early March. This has been a particularly cold and snowy winter. It seems like it has been at or below freezing most of the time. We’re also headed for our second snowiest winter on record. Any temperature above 40°- 50° this year is cause for celebration. I am so looking forward to Spring this year. I’d like all the global warming alarmists to explain to me the cold weather we’ve had the past two years.

Today was my day for running. I had a great run – 13.1 miles (half-marathon for you non-runner types). I do a 10-15 mile run every week. I feel so much more relaxed and in focus after a run. Today was also the first time that I almost fell flat on my face. I never run on sidewalks. I always worry about tripping on a seam or crack. The sidewalk was fairly new and looked pretty smooth. Bad assumption. I was about ½ mile into my run on the sidewalk and I tripped big time. I wish there was a camera to capture the moment. It probably looked pretty hilarious. So, why do I tell you this? If you see a runner running alongside the road when there’s a sidewalk that they could run on, now you know. Don’t curse them. They’re just trying to keep their original skin on their knees and hands.

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