Inspirational People

On April 6, 2008, in Relationships, by ralph

In Sunday’s Parade magazine was an article on a Computer Science professor from Carnegie Mellon University who has pancreatic cancer. They say he has only a few months to live. What a shame it has to be cut so short. You get a real sense from the article that Randy Pausch has led a fulfilling and rewarding life. I’m sure he’s had a positive impact on many of his students and made life just a little brighter for many of his colleagues and friends.

Prior to finding out he had cancer, he had agreed to do a “last lecture” for the university. In these lectures, one talks on what matters most to them. Here are some of the ideas he wanted to share:

1. Always Have Fun
2. Dream Big
3. Ask for What You Want
4. Dare To Take a Risk
5. Look for the Best In Everybody
6. Make Time for What Matters
7. Let Kids Be Themselves

The lecture he gave is on YouTube. It’s about 75 minutes long but is well worth your time. If more people had this kind of attitude in life, the world would be a much nicer place to live in. I’ve had the great fortune of knowing someone like this, and I’m very thankful for it.

Click here for the video.

NOTE: This Wednesday, April 9th at 10PM EDT, ABC’s Primetime will feature Professor Pausch and his family.

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