Bravo Zulu Navy Seals!

On May 2, 2011, in Miscellaneous, by ralph

Navy Seals

How about them Navy Seals? For you non-Navy types, “Bravo Zulu” is a Navy term meaning “well done.” This mission was executed to perfection and each and every one of the members of that Navy Seal Team deserve our everlasting gratitude. Their names will probably not be known for some time, but I can only imagine that there’s a great sense of pride and satisfaction among them and their fellow Seals.

First of all, as much as I dislike Obama for his complete lack of leadership skills, I’ll give him credit for making the right decision in this case. Also, the decision to go for the kill, rather than capturing him, was the correct one. If we had captured him, I’m sure that his handling and any subsequent trial would have been a drawn-out affair that lasted for years. It would have been a political circus both here and abroad and one that we definitely don’t need right now.

Between the great intelligence gathering by the CIA and the military, and the outstanding preparation and execution by the Navy Seals, this is one mission that was textbook perfect. You couldn’t have asked for a better outcome. Getting the DNA match, and probably some forthcoming pictures, should quiet most skeptics as to whether or not it was Bin Laden. I think it was a great idea for the burial at sea. This gives the enemy no unneeded ammunition as to how his body was handled as far as Muslim burial tradition goes. It also gives the enemy no place to go to worship him as a martyr. Salutes to everyone who had a hand in designing this mission.

I hope that all the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 and all the military/civilians who lost their lives during this struggle can take some small measure of solace from his death. This was one evil human being who deserved not one extra moment on this earth.


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