Obama’s A Liar – My Taxes Are Higher

On February 17, 2011, in Politics, by ralph


Since liberals are so fond of the statement, “Bush lied, people died”, I thought I’d create my own little pithy comment on Obama. Unlike the patently false Bush statement, my statement is completely true and I have a legal federal document to prove it.

During all his campaign speeches, Obama was always telling us that he wouldn’t raise taxes on those of us making $250,000 or less. He has continued to say it during his presidency. As recently as February 6, 2011, during his TV interview with Bill O’Reilly just prior to the airing of the Superbowl game, he said it again. Well, guess what? He lied again. A few days ago I received a financial statement that showed my federal taxes were increasing by 30% (29.86% to be exact). We’re not talking about a measly few percent here. We’re talking a major jump of 30%. Also, this wasn’t the result of any change in tax brackets or any change in my income from the past year. The increase was the direct result of an increase in the federal taxes on the same level of income.

Just thought you’d like to hear the truth since you won’t find it discussed very much on any of the mainstream media programs. Anyone else find a nice little federal tax increase in their mailbox recently?

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