Two Months And Counting

On February 19, 2010, in Fitness, by ralph


Two months from today is the Boston Marathon. I’ve been running twice a week – one short-length run and one medium-length run. Considering the cold weather and snow this winter, it’s been going pretty well. I was going to increase my training to three times a week for the last two months. Unfortunately, I threw out my back big-time on Tuesday. I’ve been taking muscle relaxers and Ibuprofen to deal with the pain and muscle spasms. I went to a chiropractor the last two days to help reduce the pain. Hopefully, if I take it easy the next week or two, I’ll be able to get back into training mode. If it takes much longer than that to recuperate, I think I’ll have to give up my chance of being ready for the marathon. That would be a real bummer.

Although it’s not the same thing, I can totally relate to the current athletes that are competing in the Winter Olympics. Those that were injured just before the games or those that got injured during their practice runs must be utterly disappointed. Some of them have put years and years of training into it. To have come that far and then lose the opportunity to compete must be absolutely heartbreaking. In my case, even though it would only be 4-6 months of training, it would still be a very big disappointment. I am really looking forward to this marathon. Hopefully, I’ll recover quickly enough and get the opportunity to compete.

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