
I’ve pretty much kept my mouth shut on Obama since he became President in January. I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt and see how he would lead this country. I’d give him a chance to prove he could govern the country.

Well, time’s up, and you sir, are no president. Without a doubt, you’ve proven what most sane Americans believed in their gut – you were never qualified to be the U.S. President. You lack the experience, maturity and judgment for the job. I can think of no other president who was as unqualified and inexperienced as you. You spent the majority of your life in school or campaigning for office. You never held any position of authority in the real world. And no, “Community Organizer” doesn’t count. You were basically a legal counsel for ACORN, an organization that has finally been exposed for its total corruption and blatant disregard for true American values. You lied to the American people on numerous occasions. How can you claim you were unaware of Reverend Wright’s beliefs and positions when you sat in his church for 20 years? He married you, baptized your children and you even used one of his sermons in writing your Audacity of Hope book and yet you can look the American people in the eye and say you didn’t know those were his outrageous views? You’ve associated yourself with radical individuals for most of your life. I, for one, am not the least bit surprised by the Socialist agenda that you’re trying to drive through Congress. Why the big rush, Mr. President? If it’s such an important piece of legislation, why not give it the time it deserves to get it right? That’s your current excuse for why you’re so indecisive about dealing with Afghanistan. You and your administration have made so many outright blunders over the past year that I could probably write a book on them. However, you’re given a free pass by most of your fellow liberal brothers-in-arm in the media. If it had been Bush in office at the time, all of your gaffes would have been filling the front pages of most newspapers. Speaking of President Bush, I’m tired of you constantly blaming him every time you have a problem. That, sir, is the sign of a very weak leader. Leaders are decisive and take responsibility for their actions. By and large, our current economic situation is the result of bad policies forced on banking institutions under prior Democratic administrations. I don’t recall Reagan constantly whining about Carter every time he faced a difficult or unpopular decision. You’ve never led a day in your life, and quite frankly, it shows in spades. You’ve pretty much been insulated from the tough decision making by all your campaign advisors and handlers. Your body language telegraphs the uneasiness you feel. If it’s obvious to me, then any world leaders you have to deal with will see it, too. Your “rock star” fame won’t cut it in the trenches of real world politics. We’re already seeing that based on your lack of success in dealing with several international situations. You have no clue as to what it takes to lead. I can guarantee you that the majority of the military have little real respect for you as a Commander-In-Chief (CIC). I had the privilege of serving my country under six different presidents. I never thought I’d say this, but you actually make Clinton look good as a CIC.

I’ll give you one thing. You’re good at giving prepared speeches with a Teleprompter. You excel at that. You’ll probably give a fine speech when you finally reveal your Afghanistan strategy on Tuesday. However, you pretty much suck when it comes to impromptu or extemporaneous speeches. I’ve never in my life seen a president say the word “Uh” so often. You really need to work on that. You don’t come off as being very presidential. You remind me a lot of Caroline Kennedy and her overuse of the phrase “you know.”

You and your fellow liberal cohorts sold the American people a false sense of hope. You have failed miserably and you are taking this country down with you. You do not deserve to be the President of the United States. You never did. I’m so glad that I didn’t fall for your lies and deceptions during the campaign. I’m proud that I didn’t cast a vote for you. You are so wrong for this country. When we really needed a strong leader, we got a politician. God help us all.

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