The Final Presidential Debate

On October 15, 2008, in Politics, by ralph

In a few hours, the final presidential debate will take place. McCain has to do better than a draw if he expects to win this election. If he fails to attack Obama on several critical issues, his chance of winning in November is slim. So, what does McCain need to do specifically during this debate and in the final three weeks?

    1. Confront Obama on all the associations with questionable people (Ayers, Wright, Rezko, Raines, etc.). He tries to say they are all casual or nonexistent, but records indicate otherwise.
    2. Confront Obama on his association with ACORN (his legal representation in the 1990’s and his use of campaign funds to pay ACORN).
    3. Confront Obama on why he won’t admit he was wrong on the “Surge” strategy in Iraq.
    4. Confront Obama on his being the second highest recipient of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac contributions after being in the Senate less than four years.
    5. Confront Obama on his liberal voting record (the highest of any Senator).
    6. Confront Obama on his 97% voting record along Democratic Party lines.

If Obama isn’t confronted on these issues in a nationally televised venue, people will never see the true liberal, left-wing person that he really is. Ever since winning his party’s nomination, he’s tried to portray himself as a more moderate candidate. However, his record in the Illinois State Senate and the U.S. Senate show otherwise. Actions speak louder than words and his actions over the years are clearly and unequivocally liberal and strongly socialistic. He’s trying to paint himself as the moderate in all his speeches and ads. If people don’t see him confronted directly on these issues, he’ll get away with it.

A vote for Obama is a vote for a socialist America. The “Change We Can Believe In” is a hard left turn to Socialism and one that we won’t be able to recover from. Do you really trust the government to make the best decisions with your money based on what has happened over the past several years? Do you want them deciding what is best for you medically? Have they made the best use of your tax dollars in running all the social entitlement programs? If you truly want the government to take over most other aspects of your life, then vote for Obama.

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