The Real Senator Biden

On September 15, 2008, in Politics, by ralph

Since the media seems to be on a feeding frenzy to belittle the GOP’s vice presidential candidate, it seems only fitting that the Democratic candidate should get a little scrutiny here. Unlike the media that many times distorts, takes out of context and outright lies at times, I will deal only in facts and give references for all my points.

Lies and Plagiarization

During his run as a presidential candidate in 1988, he stated the following when asked a question at a New Hampshire campaign stop:

    1. “I graduated in the top half of my law school class” – This is false. He graduated 76th out of 85, which is approximately the bottom 10% of his class.
    2. “I have three undergraduate degrees” – This is false. He has one degree with a double major. He graduated 506th out of 688, which is approximately the bottom 25% of his class.
    3. “I was the only student in my class on a full academic scholarship” – This is false. He was on a partial economic needs scholarship.

You can view the video of his speech here (2 minutes). His lack of character and arrogance in demeaning the individual asking him the question is also quite revealing.

In one of his campaign speeches, he actually plagiarized a speech by Neil Kinnock, the leader at the time of the British Labour Party.

He received an “F” in one of his first-year law school classes for plagiarizing a law review article.

The citations backing up the fact that he was lying or plagiarized are located here. They are found at reference numbers 14, 67, 68 and 69 at the end of the article.


Senator Biden tries to paint himself as a person who fights and cares about the average person.  However, his tax returns over the past ten years say otherwise. The chart below lists his tax returns from 1998 through 2007. On an income ranging from $210,797 to $321,379, he’s given a grand total of $120 to $995 to charity. That’s a whopping .06% to .31% – less than 1/3 of 1% that he gives to charity. His generosity is overwhelming, wouldn’t you say? These figures are taken from his tax returns as listed on Barrack Obama’s website.

Just for comparison purposes, the IRS shows that the average taxpayer with an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) over $200,000 per year makes over $20,000 in charitable contributions. ($200,000 or more of AGI:  $20,434 average charitable deduction)

Biden Tax Returns

Senator Biden went to a private college prep school, as did his own children. So much for his so-called “just one of the regular folks” upbringing.

So folks, here’s your choice. You can pick someone that the Democrats and media label as inexperienced because she’s only managed a private business, been a mayor for six years, a governor for two years and attended public schools as well as all of her children. Or, you can choose an arrogant, plagiarizing, lying uncharitable person who’s never held an executive position of any consequence and one who doesn’t walk-the-walk but only talks-the-talk.

Gosh, that’s a tough one!

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